Forex Robots - This One Makes Great Profits and Even Better It's Free!
by kelly Price
Many traders want a forex robot that works and enclosed you will find one that is and it won't cost you a dollar, yet it will out perform over 95% of the robots sold online. Here it is take a look.
Mechanical forex trading systems sold tend to destroy accounts. This is because the track record the forex trader buys is never real, it's a paper exercise done in hindsight and normally carries this warning:
"CFTC RULE 4.41 - Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under-or-over compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown".
The system has never made real money and paper money means nothing, as you can't spend that in the supermarket.
These robots are curve fitted i.e. the rules are bent to fit the data and produce a profit.
Data never replicates itself in the exact sequence again and the system takes a bath.
Now were going to look at a simple forex trading system which cannot be curve fitted by its very nature (as it's only one rule) and has been traded by savvy traders for over 20 years and continually produces great long term profits.
It works on any trending market and of course, currencies are one of the best markets for trends.
Here is the system:
Buy a new 4 week high and sell a new 4 week market low.
That's it. Very simple and it's very profitable as it's based on 2 core foundations that will never change:
1. Big forex trends last a long time 2. Breakouts are where most new trends start from
Don't assume because its simple it doesn't make big gains it does.
You can easily test it and see.
Simple forex trading systems always work best, because they are very robust with fewer elements to break than complicated ones.
This is easily proven by looking at all the advances we have seen in forecasting in the last 20 years - we have quicker prices, more powerful computers (your desk top computer has more processing power than the computer that landed man on the moon!) and more complex theories - but has this changed the success ratio in trading?
Not at all.
95% still lose and 5% win and this will always be the case.
Does the system have a downside?
Yes it does when forex markets trend sideways it will get chopped and incur drawdown.
Here you can alter the exit and exit on a 1 or 2 week stop, then go flat and wait for the next 4 week trading signal to get you back in.
Not many traders will bother with this system though and it's not because it doesn't make money, it's because they perceive complexity helps them.
After all, a neural network or system based on chaos theory sounds like it should make money and makes them feel they have technology on their side - but the above system will beat most of these more complex systems hands down.
I once made the mistake of buying a system off an ex NASA engineer and felt it would help the result it wiped my equity out in two weeks!
The 4 Week Rule on the other hand, I have used for 20 odd years and its done great - some periods of drawdown (but all systems have them) and a thumping profit.
To run this system you need tremendous discipline, as it's not fussy about market timing and it's brutally mechanical but if you have discipline then it will work a treat.
So before you buy a forex robot which hasn't been proven try this one - it's been used by some of the world's top traders, is easy to understand apply and can lead you to currency trading success.
Check it out and keep in mind it won't cost you anything to test and it you will surprised at how much money it can make if executed with discipline and with an eye on long term performance.
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