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Forex Trading System - This Ones FREE Made Millions and is Enclosed!

Forex Trading System - This Ones FREE Made Millions and is Enclosed!

by kelly Price

Yes, you read correctly, this forex trading system is totally free, simple to understand and apply and has made savvy traders countless millions, over the last 20 years and everything, you need to know about it is enclosed...

The system we are going to look at was devised by legendary trader Richard Donchian and while incredibly simple - it works.

The system is called the 4 Week Rule and the rule of the system is this:

Buy any new 4 week calendar high, then reverse and sell any 4 week calendar low and then reverse again on a 4 Week high. It's a stop and reverse system and you always maintain a position in the market.

You can do it in your head, don't even need a computer and the rule is totally objective you just follow it, no subjective judgement is needed.

Does it make money?

Yes check it out for yourself and the logic it is based on is sound and that is - most new trends start or continue from new market highs and this is based on long term breakout methodology, so it will effectively puts you in on every major trend. As these big trends can last for many weeks, months or even years, it can make a lot of money.

It's Totally Objective and Time Efficient

The other huge advantage is time to apply it, you only need 15 minutes a day or less and on some days you will be so far from a signal you don't even need to look at the market.

The system works well in any trending market and as currencies trend so well, it's an ideal market to apply it on.

A Filter

All systems have a downside and this one will take losses and get chopped around, when the market doesn't trend but you can add a filter and that's to exit on a shorter time scale say, 1 or 2 weeks, then remain flat, until the next 4 week trigger kicks you in again with your trading signal.

Both ways will make money but adding the filter smoothes the downside.

It Beats Sold Robots Easily

Its simple, doesn't have glossy packaging or a catchy name, like many of the numerous forex robots sold by vendors - but they don't have the one important thing this system has - a real track record.

All the forex robots that are sold come with meaningless, back tested simulations and lose. This one comes with a track record of real gains and has been used by savvy traders for years.

Use It and Enjoy Currency Trading Success

If you want profits and you want a simple, easy, to apply system, then the 4 Week Rule is ideal. So before you think of buying a forex trading system, take a closer look at the system enclosed and you maybe glad you did.


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